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viral parenting videos

Toddler “Aggressively” Singing the Beatles on a Hike Delights the Internet

Toddlers enjoy listening to music and will frequently hum or sing their favorite tunes. Most of the time, those tunes are nursery rhymes or...

Watch a Toddler Trick His Dad Into Getting a Toy He Wants

It is really hard to say no when your kid sets their eyes on a toy. But even if you are set on holding...

This Viral Video Proves “Mom Reflexes” Are Real

You’ve probably heard moms talking about the term “mom reflexes” and perhaps experienced it yourself. It refers to a situation in which a mom...

Watch a Sleepy Toddler Get Woken Up from “Full Comatose” by His Favorite Song

It’s quite a big task to get toddlers to go to sleep. However, once they begin snoozing, it appears that nothing in the world...

Mom Accidentally Invites All Her Phone Contacts to Her Daughter’s Birthday Party

Evite is a great online tool that allows people to easily send invites for events. However, using it isn’t always straightforward, as one mom...

Dog Learned to Notify Humans When It’s Time to Change Their Baby’s Diapers

New parents need every help they can get to make sure their baby is well taken care of. For example, San Diego-based couple Sheena...

Mom Makes a “Mistake” By Letting Her Son Have a Shopping Spree in a Bookstore

TikToker Jacia Moore recently decided to treat her 12-year-old son Bentley with a unique birthday gift. She took him to the bookstore and told...

Dad Stages a Fake Job Interview With His Daughter, and Her Reaction is Priceless

If you are going to lie about something, don’t let your kids be near. You will be setting a bad example, and they might...
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