Mark H

3 Reasons That LEGO is Still One of the Best Toys Out There

LEGO has been around for years. Since it first came on the market toys and entertainment for kids have expanded and adapted in so...

How to Deal With Family Conflicts

Family conflicts are a natural part of life, but how you handle them can significantly impact the dynamics and harmony within your family. Here...

Try These Parenting Hacks!

Parenting can be both rewarding and challenging, but sometimes a few clever tricks can make all the difference. Different things will work for different...

How to Help Your Children Do Their Homework Without Overstepping

Remember the days when "homework" was just a word in your school-time vocabulary? Fast forward to parenthood, and it's a whole different ball game....

How to Respond to Name-Calling

Hearing your child being called names is a gut-wrenching experience for any parent. It's natural to feel anger, sadness, and a desire to intervene...

Storage Ideas to Keep Your Home Mess-Free

Family life is well known for being super chaotic. Trying to keep on top of multiple people’s schedules with little time to stop and...

Why Singing With Your Baby is a Great Idea

Being around infants is a constant learning experience, both for them and yourself. They are always looking for opportunities to gain new knowledge and...

3 Basic Table Manners to Teach Your Kid

Good manners are like a secret code that can make your child shine in any situation, including mealtime. Teaching your kids basic table manners...

How to Navigate Teenage Tantrums

The teenage years are hard, both for the teenagers themselves and for the people around them. With so many physiological and hormonal changes and...

These Three Meals are Great for Teaching Your Kids How to Cook

Teaching children how to cook is an invaluable skill that not only fosters independence but also promotes healthier eating habits and a deeper appreciation...

About Me

Mark is a dedicated dad of five children. He enjoys writing, ice cream, and swimming in the lake up north. His dream is to own a cottage one day where he can continue making memories with his kids.