Friendships are crucial for kids and their development, however, they might not come naturally to all kids. At a young age, friendships are formed between people who develop genuine connections with one another.
In a world filled with technology and television, it is often hard to find a family activity that is stimulating enough for your children to enjoy. With young kids, it can be hard to top Netflix’s newest show or the latest iPhone app with quality family bonding time.
When it comes to the first day of school, regardless of the year, there is always a vast array of mothers displaying these easily recognizable traits. So just in case you are a little out of the loop and missed the opportunity to see them in action in the school parking lot this year - we’ve compiled a little list.
There are always new advances being made in the world of medicine and in the way in which people are treated. Children need to be treated with a bit more delicately than adults. One of the new techniques that have proven to be successful with the treating of children who have had a traumatic experience is by using Sesame Street.
Movies and TV shows will probably have you thinking that once your kid learns to crawl, your entire living room will need to be covered in bubble wrap, duct tape, and foam.
Jane is a mom of two beautiful boys. When she’s not running after her one year old, she’s catching up on the latest trends and binge-watching reality TV.