Derek Campanile is Inspiring Dads Around the World to Get Their Family Back to the Dinner Table


Derek Campanile was shocked to find out that most families don’t sit down at the table to eat every night, and he decided to do something about it. He started the food blog Dad with a Pan in an attempt to encourage other fathers to start preparing delicious meals and gather their families around the dinner table.

Campanile was always a huge fan of cooking and even considered attending culinary school while in high school, before deciding that a career in IT is a more practical choice. His passion for cooking never faded away, and he always enjoyed preparing meals for his loved ones.

Love for food is practically in his DNA, and he spent his childhood enjoying his mom’s cooking and his dad’s barbecue. They always loved gathering at the dinner table at the end of a long day, and he wanted to install those same values in his kids and teach them how to appreciate the magic of shared family meals.

After realizing this is not a common practice for most modern families, Campanile decided to do something about it and became active on social media under the name Dad with a Pan.

“By creating easy to following step-by-step recipes, as well as blog posts to give you ideas on putting together your own meals, getting the children involved, I challenge you to get in the kitchen, become the Dad With A Pan in your family and get the family back to the table for dinner!” he explains on his blog.