Dan G

The Benefits of Clothing Swaps and How To Host One

As parents, we all know the struggle. Kids grow like weeds, and their clothing barely gets a chance to wear out before it's too...

Best Foods to Eat While Pregnant

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, and proper nutrition plays a vital role in ensuring the health of both you and your developing baby. While...

Have the Best Family Trip to the Zoo With These Tips

Taking a family trip to the zoo can be a great experience for your kids. They will learn more about nature, be close to...

What Parenting Teaches You About Staying Positive

There are many different lessons that you learn when you become a parent. First off, you learn a lot more about yourself, and you...

3 Reasons Why Establishing Boundaries Will Help Your Child

It can feel hard, saying 'no' to our kids and setting rules that seem to upset them. However, by establishing clear boundaries and expectations...

How to Know When Your Child Needs a Tutor

Every parent wants their child to succeed in school. However, navigating their academic journey can be challenging, and sometimes, additional support is needed. Knowing...

3 Tips for Cooking for Children With Autism

Cooking for autistic children can present unique challenges due to sensory sensitivities, dietary restrictions, and other factors. However, with some thoughtful planning and creativity,...

Tips for Childproofing Your Home

Childproofing your home is essential to creating a safe environment for your little one to explore and play. From crawling to toddling, children are...

Tips For Changing a Baby on an Airplane

Having a baby is one of the most beautiful and precious things you can experience in your life, but it does come with its...

Game On: Exploring the Role of Games in Child Development

Whether your child is a board game enthusiast or a video game buff, playtime isn't just about fun. In fact, it's a crucial aspect...

About Me

Dan is a father of 3 who has a strong passion for DIY projects. He recently finished revamping his bedroom using furniture he flipped and loves sharing his tips and tricks online!