At What Age Should Children Stop Using a Pacifier? 

Pacifiers are a common tool for soothing newborns and infants. They can be great for reducing distress and aiding in sleep. However, as beneficial as pacifiers can be in the early stages of a child’s life, there comes a time when parents and caregivers should consider weaning children off them. Not sure when that point is? Keep reading.

Under six months, pacifier use is generally harmless. Infants often have a strong sucking reflex, and a pacifier can satisfy this instinct effectively. But between six and 12 months is a good time to start creating boundaries for pacifier use, perhaps limiting it to nap time and bedtime only. 

The consensus among pediatricians and dental professionals is that children should ideally stop using a pacifier by the age of two. Most experts agree that the earlier a child can be weaned off the pacifier, the better it is for their oral development. Between the ages of one and two years old, most children are developing other coping strategies for soothing and sleep. The transition should come more naturally by this time.

Remember, prolonged pacifier use can lead to dental issues. This can include misaligned teeth and changes in the roof of the mouth, potentially requiring orthodontic treatment later.