Mess-Free Crafting for Little Hands

When it comes to crafting with your kids, there’s often a terrible fun-mess tradeoff which can be a real downer. However, there are quite a few arts and crafts ideas that your inner neat freak will barely feel! Here are some favorites.


For this one, all you need is a sheet of paper and some cool stickers. Encourage your little one to create imaginative scenes by sticking the stickers onto the paper. It’s not only fun but also promotes fine motor skills—all with zero cleanup later.

Water Wow Books

These reusable water painting books are the perfect method for mess-free fun. Simply fill the water pen and let your child paint the pages to reveal colorful images. Once they’re dry, the pictures disappear and are ready to be repainted as many times as your little Picasso desires.

Washi Tape

Give your boy or girl one various roll of colorful and patterned washi tape and let them go to town. They can easily tear off small pieces of tape to decorate paper or cardboard, creating endless patterns and designs without any mess involved.