Mark H

MomBod: Training Tips on the Playground

Spending time with your child and doing a good exercise usually seems to be a completely separate activity. Larysa DiDio, a New York celebrity trainer who works with many mothers says "It's a great place to have a parallel game with your child.” Alternate training exercises with short periods of rest, by jumping from the bench to the swings, imagine them as circuit stations with your son. You will have intensive, interval training and a full body.

10 Life Skills to Teach Your Child by Age 10

1. Doing the Laundry Basic of the basics, all teens should know how to do this simple task. You could begin teaching your child as young as age 6. Walk them through the steps; measuring, loading, settings and starting the machine. If you have to, choose cute names to teach them the process and once that’s done they’ll be able to do it on their own!

How to Develop a Strong Connection with a Child

When children have strong bonds with their parents/guardians, they’re more likely to perform better in school, manage stress better, form positive relationships and have a higher self-esteem.

How Having Kids Can Extend Your Life

It seems that having children extends your life expectancy! So while you may be driven to distraction by your kids and feel that your days are numbered, a study has found that mothers may well live for up to an average of 23.1 years longer after the age of 60, while fathers could see an extra 18.4 years tacked on to their lives.

This Product Will Keep Your Home Germ Free

Calling all germophobes, health nuts, efficiency and cleanliness seekers! Calling all those who think the world is a simpler place if everything was controlled by the press of a button or plugging something in a wall (looking at you Roomba owners).

Parenting 101 For The Modern Dad

You can keep your dad jokes, but today’s dads need to learn up when it comes to parenting. Families are different, our expectations have changed and guys who want to be great fathers need to know how to keep up with the times when it comes to parenting.

Kids Are Getting Too Much Screen Time

We all know the easiest way to preoccupy the kids while you’re trying to get something done is to stick them in front of the television or to put a game on the Ipad in their hands. While this may be a good solution at the time, it is very detriment when it comes to a child’s cognitive and social-emotional competencies.

Dad Turns Son’s Drawing Into Professional Anime Characters

Thomas Romain is a French artist who lives in Tokyo. He’s worked on various anime series such as Symphogear, Space Dandy, Aria, and Basquash!, but his best work is the work he does in the Father and Sons Design Workshop.

Set Your Child Up For Success in School

Many of the highest-scoring students attribute their success to some surprisingly simple habits. Here are some tips to keep up with school work and maintain a regular work ethic:

How Being An Only Child Affects Your Brain’s Development

If you think of only children, the adjectives that pop out in your mind are: Spoiled, selfish, entitled, bratty and many not so nice ones. Unfortunately, when people think of only children, this is what comes up to their minds.

About Me

Mark is a dedicated dad of five children. He enjoys writing, ice cream, and swimming in the lake up north. His dream is to own a cottage one day where he can continue making memories with his kids.