Jane A

At What Age Can Your Child Ride in the Front Seat?

Ever wondered when it’s safe for your child to ride in the front seat? It’s a common question, and the answer isn’t as straightforward...

How to Instill Good Eating Habits in Your Toddler

When raising your kids, it's important to instill good habits in them from an early age in order to guide their future behavior. This...

3 Tips for Eating More Fruit as a Family

Who says healthy eating can't be fun and full of flavor? If you're looking to sneak more nutrients into your family's diet, why not...

When Should Your Teens Learn to Drive

The freedom of the open road! Earning a driver's license is a rite of passage for many teenagers, but as a parent, you might...

Transform Your Backyard Into a Water Park With These Water Slides

Are your kids spending too much time indoors and in front of their phones or television screens? In that case, perhaps it's time to...

Fun Games to Play With Your Family on Road Trips

Although going on a road trip can sure be thrilling, sitting in a car for hours on end can become tedious, especially for younger...

How to Detect Dehydration in Kids

Ever notice how our little ones can run around like energizer bunnies, completely oblivious to their need for water until they're parched? It's like...

Why Children Should Make Their Bed Every Morning

Making the bed every morning might seem like a small task, often overlooked in the rush of getting ready for school or work. However,...

What to do if Your Baby Doesn’t Respond Affectionately After Time Apart

Being away from your baby can be tough, and it’s even harder when they don’t respond affectionately upon your return. If your little one...

Why Your Kids Should Get Involved With Redecorating

Redecorating your home can be a real challenge. Having to decide on what changes you’re making and then sourcing the materials is just the...

About Me

Jane is a mom of two beautiful boys. When she’s not running after her one year old, she’s catching up on the latest trends and binge-watching reality TV.