Top 3 Safest Sports for Kids to Play

All parents should want their kids to be involved in sports. Playing sports allows them to adopt healthy habits, improve their self-esteem, and socialize. However, it is also understandable that some parents feel uneasy about their kids being involved in activities that can get them hurt.

While all sports come with a degree of danger, there are some sports where the chances of injuries are significantly low. If you want your kid to get the benefits of playing sports while also having peace of mind, here are the top safest sports you should sign up for.


Golf is usually considered a sport for adults and a favorite pastime for retirees. But it doesn’t have to be. Golf allows kids to spend time outdoors, have light physical activity, make friends, and improve their hand-eye coordination, among others. Injuries in golf do happen, but they are mostly reserved for professionals or those who play it quite often and are usually not that serious.

Table Tennis

Table tennis games might not seem intense at first, but they are a great form of physical activity. The sport requires a lot of movement and gives similar results to cardio but is easy on the kids’ joints. It is also considered beneficial for developing reflexes and improving hand-eye coordination, and it can serve as a stress relief. Additionally, it is a social activity as you always need a partner to play it.


Swimming goes into the category of the safest sport if it’s supervised. Kids will not only learn a valuable life skill but will also benefit from a fun activity that exercises a large group of muscles, builds endurance, boosts confidence, and contributes to stress relief.