Parenting Fails: 40+ Real-Life Stories of Moms and Dads Behaving Like Kids

Having a kid is easy, but being a parent is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. No one teaches you how to parent and you’re bound to make mistakes along the way.

From revealing dark secrets to having temper tantrums, these people shared real-life parenting fails on Reddit, showing that being a mom or dad comes with its fair share of challenges. You won’t believe these epic parenting mistakes.


Light It Up

u/Quirkycupcake56: “I used to work in a daycare, and on my first day in a new room with 15-24 month-olds I picked up a little boy and noticed he had dropped something through the neck hole in his onesie. I pulled it out and it was a lighter.

Light It Up

When we returned it to the mom and told her where we found it she laughed and said 'This kid gets his hands on EVERYTHING!'"

Sugar Addiction

u/dingusfunk: “My aunt never let my cousins have any kind of sugar or candy. She told them that it was poison and tasted nasty. One time while our grandma was babysitting them (they were 6) she let them have 1 capri sun each.

Sugar Addiction

They loved it, saying 'grammy, sugar actually tastes GOOD' and threw up shorty after because their stomachs could not handle it. My cousins are alcoholics now.”

Hunger Games

u/chads3058: "Oh man, where do I begin. I teach first graders and I'm convinced most parents should not be raising children. Here's my most recent story. One day I start afternoon class and I ask my students how they are doing. One girl says 'bad' and I ask her why. She says that shes hungry because she didn't eat lunch.

Hunger Games

I ask her why she hasn't had lunch yet and she says it's because her mom was playing on the computer and she forgot to feed and then didn't have time. How…do you forget to feed a 7 year old? Later I brought her a snack when I had a minute because there's no way I could let a kid go with out food."

Skirting Around the Issue

r/flibbyjibby: “My mum pulled up my skirt, causing me to involuntarily flash a room full of people, at a Christmas dinner. I was absolutely mortified. She wanted to check for self harm scars on my thighs, apparently.

Skirting Around the Issue

I've never self harmed before. She should not be allowed to consume [drinks]. Edit, to answer the FAQs in the replies: I was 18, and I was wearing underwear.”

Busting Out

u/yowiezowie: “I had C cup [breasts] when I was eleven years old. My mom loved to LOUDLY talk about them to anyone who would listen.

Busting Out

'Yeah, she's only eleven! You wouldn't think from the way she's filled out up top! Hehehehururhurhurhur.' Then I'd start crying from the humiliation and she'd tell me to 'lighten up.'"

Little Knowledge

"The day my fourth child was born, I sent my husband to pick up the rest of the kids from school.

Little Knowledge

When he arrived, he asked the secretary for the children, and when she inquired about which grades they were in, he replied: 'How am I supposed to know?'"