Read This Before Buying a New Stroller

If you have a baby on the way, you’re probably scouring through all kinds of catalogs in search for a stroller. Perhaps you’ve done online research, took a stroll through Bye Bye Baby, and read all of the reviews. But we’re here to add a little bit of wisdom of our own to the equation. Before buying a new stroller, here’s something you should know in advance.

Convenience Is King

As you go through all of the different strollers, you’ll see that they’ve got more gadgets on them than you can even believe. It’s truly amazing how much strollers have evolved over the years, and you may be wondering if it’s important for you to get the best of the best. It could be that this is indeed the right move for you—but it also might not be.

Well-seasoned parents know that a big fancy stroller isn’t as valuable as a convenient and practical one. Because when push comes to shove and days turn into weeks which turn into months, the stroller that you actually use all the time will be the one that’s easy to carry, easy to fold, and gets the job done. You’d be surprised at how basic those strollers are, and often without all of the bells and whistles that the bigger ones have.