How to Identify Toxic Family Dynamics

Although no family is perfect, there are some situations where families struggle with toxic dynamics that hold them back from enjoying healthy relationships with one another. Here are hints to help you to identify toxic family dynamics so that you can put your family on the right track to a happy home life.


Sometimes, siblings can be pitted against each other in an effort to do the best at school, sports, and even social dynamics such as dating. This type of behavior can be identified by continuous comparisons and an emphasis on winning. Just remember to let your kids know that winning isn’t everything and that you are proud of them no matter the outcome so long as they show effort and heart.

Too Involved

While it may seem like a sign of care, being overly involved in each other’s lives is a damaging trait for families. This can lead to a lack of privacy and frustration as a result, particularly if kids feel like they are losing their independence. To stop this behavior, hold an honest familty meeting, giving each family member a chance to air their concenrs and ultimately set healthy boundaries.


This happens whereby parents do not take enough care of their kids’ emotional needs, leaving them to care for themselves. This can often be identified by the oldest children being given too many parental responsibiliities, especially when taking care of younger siblings. Make sure to divide chores evenly between kids, taking special care not to overburden any of your kids more than others.