How to Get Your Kids to Stop Fighting

Although fighting between siblings may be a common occurrence, you, as a parent, can be forgiven for wishing that there was more harmony in your home. Fortunately, achieving peace between your kids is easier than you think. Here is your guide to getting your kids to stop fighting.

Focus Your Attention On The Positive

While we may feel easily aggravated by bad behavior, it’s often the attention you pay to this that encourages kids to act out, especially if they want to be at center stage. Rather, ignore your kids’ bad behavior so as not to give them satisfaction. Rather, pay attention to good behavior, as attention-seeking kids may be inclined to improve their behavior as a result.

Positive Reinforcement Works

By rewarding good behavior, you can condition your kids to get along and maintain a peaceful environment. One idea is to set up a points system, where good behavior wins you points and being naughty loses you points. Once your kids reach a certain amount of points, you can reward them with a present.

Remain Calm

Even when you feel that one sibling is the instigator of the fight, remain calm and neutral. Ask all of the children involved what the problem is and why they started fighting. This way, you can instill trust in your kids that you are an honest broker who they can turn to before they lash out.