Here’s How You Can Encourage Your Kid to Love Nature

We all know the benefits of spending time outdoors—it’s good for our physical and mental health, and heading to the park or a local trail is a great activity for the whole family. Many kids enjoy being outdoors and are naturally curious about the world, but you can encourage this curiosity by following the tips and tricks outlined here. The best thing about being a nature lover is that spending time outdoors is free, so all of the advice here involves little to no cost.

Identify What You’re Seeing

Many kids will ask questions about the type of plant, insect, or tree they’re looking at because they have that ingrained curiosity and want to know more. By educating yourself about the species you’re likely to see in your local park or in the garden, you can satisfy your kid’s curiosity and deepen their knowledge and love for nature. Use an app such as PlantSnap or a reference book to help you learn the names and habits of the plant, insect, and tree species in the area where you live.

Go Further Afield

Once you and your kid are feeling more confident when it comes to recognizing your local trees and plants, try going a little further afield. You could visit a local nature park in search of a specific species, or head to a new environment such as the beach so you can check out the different creatures and plants living there. Remember to remind your kid about giving wild creatures plenty of space, as this will deepen their respect for nature too.

Create a Mini Habitat

A great way of fueling kids’ enthusiasm for nature is by building a mini pond or similar natural habitat. This can be done with a simple large bucket or water container and some aquatic plants, or if you want to commit you could have a pond dug into your garden. This can provide great opportunities for your kid to observe multiple different species at once, and building and maintaining a pond can also be a fun opportunity to collaborate together.