Helpful Reminders to Prepare for the Return to School

Having a long summer holiday is great fun for the kids, and can often offer you as parents some slight relief from the everyday routine of getting to school. However, this long break can mean that getting back into the mindset for the back-to-school run can be daunting. If this is something you and your family often feel overwhelmed by, then here are some simple tips to help you be best prepared.

Buy Things in Advance

There’s nothing worse than the stress of the upcoming start of the new school year and suddenly remembering how many items you need to source for your child’s school life. It’s much better to buy whatever you can early in the summer holidays to give you peace of mind. 

Start Getting in the Routine of Earlier Mornings

Of course, a huge benefit of the summer holidays is having more relaxed mornings where you’re not having to rush the kids out of the door. Therefore, the thought of getting them up early when you don’t have to might sound like a horrible idea, but having some practice of this towards the end of summer to gradually build up the habit again will make this experience much less painful when school mornings come around.