Fun Indoor Activities Kids Can Enjoy on a Rainy Day

Nobody likes rainy days, so your kids probably won’t be happy they have to stay indoors instead of running around and playing outside. So next time it rains, try out these fun indoor activities to lift their mood and keep them entertained.

Have a Bake Off

Bake something that your kids will love and involve them in the baking process. Give them some simple tasks and make them feel a part of the experience. Let them play around, and they will love it.

Organize a Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are guaranteed fun for kids. Place a clue in every room of the house, mixing up some easy and harder hints and puzzles. Have a toy or a treat waiting for them at the end, and you’ll make their day.

Do Some Crafts

This offers endless possibilities. Gather the kids around the table and make greeting cards, friendship bracelets, paper planes, or anything else you think of at that moment.

Build a Fort

Get the sheets and blankets out and help your kids build their dream fort. Then make sure to pack it with their favorite toys, and they won’t want to come out.

Go Classic with an Animated Movie

If nothing works out, an impromptu movie session will get the trick done. Get some popcorn and treats out, snuggle your kids under a blanket and turn on some quality animated flick on TV that will hold their attention.