Does Your Kid Have A Good Relationship With Their Cousins?

Due to different family dynamics, not all kids have cousins, but if yours does then there are some important ground rules to establish to ensure that they maintain a good relationship. If the cousins are close in age, then rivalries can be similar to those between siblings. Read on for three key ways to ensure that everyone gets on well and stays close well into adulthood.

Don’t Force Cousins Together

At family gatherings, cousins are often forced to spend time together. It’s easier for the adults if the kids are all playing together, and everyone loves cute photos of cousins smiling together. However, if the cousins don’t see each other that often, the kids may feel awkward at being forced to interact with each other. Make sure that adults give them time – it is likely that after a short time, the children will get bored of the adults and seek each other out.

Try To Meet Up Regularly

How regularly the cousins can meet will depend on how close you live, but try to make sure it happens more than once a year. For a true bond to develop, children need to meet each other more regularly than just at Christmas. See if you could have the cousins to stay for a few days, or vice versa.

Bond Over Activities

Play games as a family that will help the cousins bond, or take them along to a game or a film so they’re doing an activity together. This will help them to view one another as friends, rather than feeling forced to hang out because they are family. You can’t force cousins to like each other but doing fun activities all together will certainly make it more likely.