As you are probably well aware, life as a teenager is difficult. Not only are your teens faced with puberty, but they also have to navigate difficult situations, including dating, schoolwork, and peer pressure. Understandably, this can lead to mood swings. Here is your guide to understanding why your teen is experiencing mood swings and how to help them.
Whether it is understanding their sexuality, setting goals, or simply finding their place in society, teens often face identity struggles that can have an adverse impact on their mood. As a confusing and frustrating process, the best way to support your teens is by providing them with support and lending an ear to listen to their issues and help them work it out.
Aside from navigating a turbulent social scene, your teenagers are primarily tasked with doing well in school. Naturally, this can put immense pressure on them, especially since they’ll need to think about what they want to study in college and, ultimately, which career they hope to pursue.
Many teens feel the desire to become more independent, especially as they edge closer toward adulthood. This can make teens feel trapped as they remain under the scrutiny of their parents. While it’s important for your kids to understand that they’re still under your roof, it’s also important to compromise on some ground rules to help them feel empowered.