4 Cleaning Hacks Every Parents Should Know About

Being a parent is a messy job in more ways than one. Kids are usually reckless with the food, drinks, dirt, and everything else that can turn your household and their clothes into a canvas for all sorts of stains. To help you deal with this faster and easier, we brought you some of the best cleaning hacks every parent should know about.

Use a Lint Roller or Playdough for Glitter

Give your kids some glitter as part of the arts and crafts game, and you can be certain it will be everywhere. But cleaning it is quite easy. A lint roller does a great job of picking up all of them and keeping them from falling again. An even better option is to take a piece of playdough and roll over glitter, which will stick immediately.

Wipe Out Crayons With a Hair Dryer

 Kids will always prefer walls as a canvas for their crayon artwork rather than paper. But you don’t have to repaint them after. Instead, just use a hair dryer to warm up the crayons on the wall, and you will be able to wipe them with wet wipes.

Wash Plastic Toys in a Washing Machine Using a Mesh Laundry Bag

Plastic toys, which are often a source of germs and bacteria, are hard to clean by hand. A much more efficient option is to pack them in a mesh laundry bag and toss them in a washing machine. Set up the lowest cycle and throw in some detergent. They will be brand new and spotless after.

White Chalk for Grease

Do your kid’s clothes have stubborn grease on them? Just cover the mark with a layer of white chalk and leave overnight. In the morning, wash the clothes as usual in a washing machine, and the grease marks will disappear.