3 Things to Keep in Mind When Taking Your Kids for an Eye Exam

Children’s vision problems often go undetected and that’s why it’s crucial to take them for regular eye exams. This brief guide will help you determine when’s the right time to take your little ones to the ophthalmologist and help them correct their eyesight as soon as potential problems occur.

Start Early

You shouldn’t wait for too long before taking your little one for their first eye exam. It’s highly recommended that all toddlers should have their first comprehensive eye exam when they’re about six months old. If everything looks okay, you should wait until they’re three for the next eye exam and do regular vision screenings after they start the first grade.

Signs of Vision Issues

If your kid shows any signs of possible vision issues, from excessive eye rubbing or blinking to minimal eye contact, it’s time to visit an ophthalmologist. It may turn out your child needs glasses or contact lenses, and you should take them for an eye exam at least once a year if that’s the case.

Eye Exams vs. Vision Screening

Vision screenings at school are mandated by many states, but they’re not the same thing as an eye exam. A vision screening is a relatively short examination meant to detect potential vision problems, but you’ll have to take your child for a comprehensive eye exam for an in-depth examination and diagnosis.