3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Child’s Tantrums

Knowing how to deal with a child’s tantrums is one of the key parenting skills. Some parents develop their own methods while others turn to tried and tested techniques they find on the internet or hear about from family and friends.

For a long time, one of the recommended methods for dealing with children’s tantrums was to simply ignore them. The idea is that the child will realize that their outbursts will not get them the attention they are seeking and that they will eventually calm down. However, there are several reasons why you shouldn’t react like this.

It Might Have an Opposite Effect

In some cases, ignoring a child’s tantrums will make them stop, at least for a short time. But there is also a possibility that this method will have the opposite effect. The tantrums could become more frequent and pronounced, with the child hoping you’ll pay attention if they are louder and more disruptive.

It Will Negatively Impact Their Mental Health

Being ignored will negatively impact the child’s mental health. They might start feeling isolated which prompts them to suppress their emotions. The tantrums will stop for the time being but it will lead to different issues down the line.

It Doesn’t Address the Underlying Problem

Children rarely turn to tantrums for no reason at all. By ignoring them, you are failing to address the underlying problem that led to the tantrum in the first place. The tantrums will likely be replaced by a different behavior that could become even more problematic. By engaging with your child in moments like these, you will be able to get to the root of the problem and handle the issue more efficiently.