3 Outdoor Activities to Try With Kids this Summer

Trying to find activities with kids can be a challenge. As they’ve grown up with so much technology around, trying to find things to do which are accessible to everyone and that will entertain the whole family can be difficult. In summer this can be a lot easier, as you have the incredible outdoors to take advantage of. Here are some fun outdoor activities to try as a family this summer. 


Taking your kids out to see the night sky is an amazing experience for you all. You can teach them about the constellations and how far away all the stars and the sun really are, and you can share in the awe of the natural beauty. You can also enjoy this in more detail in summer as you won’t get too cold too quickly. 

Spotting Butterflies

Butterflies are one of nature’s finest masterpieces and are a joy to watch for people of all ages. You can find some images of ones local to your area and spend time outside watching the butterflies to see if you can identify which ones are fluttering about. 

Collecting Sea Shells

Beaches can be a bit miserable in winter, so it’s great to make the most of them in summer. There are endless activities to try at the beach, and collecting shells is a lovely mindful experience to share.