3 Easy Ways to Help Your Kid Ease Into Their Back-to-School Routine

It’s that time of the year when everyone is shaken by back-to-school anxiety—both parents and kids. Going back to school is a huge change for your little ones after a long summer break, but these three useful tips will help them ease into their back-to-school routine.

Morning Routine

Once the summer break is over, the morning routine for your entire family will change. Mornings can be pretty hectic, so make sure to prepare everything you need beforehand, and put some effort into teaching your kids to get up on time, get dressed, have breakfast, and do the rest of the morning chores so you wouldn’t be the one carrying all the weight.

Sleep Schedule

It’s always a good idea to get your kids back on their school schedule before school even starts, but it’s never too late to get it done. Once the school year is officially here, you should encourage them to do their homework on time and limit their screen time right before bed so they can get a good night’s sleep.

New School

If your child started attending a new school this year, they’ll have a more difficult time adjusting. Help them out by getting them familiar with their new surroundings, arrange play dates with their classmates, and be their safe harbor whenever they need to talk about any struggles they might have adjusting to a new school.