3 Best Ways to Put a Healthy Twist on Your Kids’ Breakfast Cereal

Cereal is a pretty popular breakfast food with people of all ages, and kids are especially fond of it. Unfortunately, cereal isn’t as healthy as we’d like to believe, but there are certain steps you can take to transform it into a nutritious and delicious dish that your little ones will enjoy.

Right Pick

Not all cereals are created equal, and it all comes down to finding the healthiest possible option on the market. Low-sugar, whole grains cereals with high fiber content will allow you to keep your kids’ breakfast on the healthy side, so start searching until you find one they like.

Milk Choice

The milk you use can make or break your cereal, and going with dairy is not the right choice. If your kids happen to be lactose intolerant or simply don’t enjoy dairy milk, you can always replace it with non-dairy alternatives, such as oat and almond milk – which also happen to be much healthier.

Fruit Bonanza

Even if the fiber content of your cereal isn’t high enough, you can always make things a little bit better by topping the cereal with some fresh or frozen fruits and barriers.