Your Guide to Introducing Your Baby to Daycare

As your baby grows and you start to consider returning to work, you might be wondering when it will be appropriate to put your baby in daycare. If you’re unsure, then fear not—we’ve got you covered. Here is your guide to introducing your baby to daycare.

When to Start Daycare

While it may sound incredibly early, some daycares accept infants as young as six weeks old. Still, you may want to hold off for a bit, as the more time you spend with your baby the greater the attachment that forms. Of course, you’ll also need to consider financial and career factors such as how much maternity and paternity leave you and your spouse have, your finances, and whether you have other childcare options such as family members.

Consider What Type of Care

Many new parents may not realize that there are several types of daycare to consider. In addition to conventional childcare centers, there are in-home centers, where your baby and others will be taken care of in the carer’s home. This option often proves to be cheaper while also providing a less structured setting where your little one may feel more freedom. If you’re not quite ready to put distance between yourself and your baby, a nanny in your home could be another option.

What to Look For

No matter what type of care you want for your child, there are some basic requirements that any daycare provider should have. They should be qualified, their centers should be licensed, and there should be a decent ratio of infants to carers. Furthermore, you should look for reviews of the daycares you’re considering and speak to other parents about their experiences and recommendations.