How To Support A Reluctant Reader

Some children take to reading very quickly and don’t need any encouragement to pick up a book, whilst others really struggle and view reading as a task. If your child falls into the latter group, read these quick tips to support them and encourage an interest in reading.

Check In With Their Teacher

Before starting anything at home, set up a meeting with their teacher. Depending on your child’s age, the teacher may think it’s a good idea to set up a dyslexia screening to check for the condition. If it turns out your child does have dyslexia, don’t panic – with appropriate support and resources, they can still make great progress in their reading.

Read Together

It is very easy to let reading at home tail off once your child reaches a certain level. Resist this urge and set aside time to read together, even if it’s just a few times a week. By taking it in turns to read, you will remove some of the pressure and cognitive load. You will also set an example, as a lover of reading, and you can help your child to understand the text in a more meaningful way. Take it in turns to choose books to read, this way you will expose your child to a wider range of reading material.

Write Them A Story

If you read regularly enough with your child, you should have a good idea of their comprehension and vocabulary level. You will also know lots about their favorite things, whether they are dog-obsesssed, keen on space, or desperate to be a firefighter. Use this knowledge to write a short story for them (one page is fine!) By showing them that you are an author, you will open up the possibility that they could be one, too. Encourage or help them to write their own, and remind them that to get ideas for your story, you read some good books to get inspired. Reading and writing go hand-in-hand, and the more your child wants to write, they more they will read.